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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

HAWX video game delayed to 2009 Tom Clancy will not be pleased!

HAWX tom clancy
Originally planned for release before the end of 2008, then pushed into the first quarter of 2009, it now turns out that Tom Clancy's HAWX - Ubisoft's forthcoming flight combat game - won't see release until sometime after April of next year, reports Eurogamer.
This latest slip was revealed on Ubisoft's most recent release schedule, with no explanation for the delay given. It's curious to see HAWX -- first announced back in April of this year -- continue to slip, as it seemed to be shaping up nicely so far.
As Eurogamer notes, one possible culprit could be that the game's multiplayer needed more tweaking, as HAWX will have ambitious features like four-on-four dogfights as well as jump-in-jump-out co-op throughout the entire campaign.Now if only Ubisoft would change the silly title before release. In case you already forgot, it stands for "High Altitude Warfare eXperimental squadron," which is one of those delightfully strained creations that exists for the sole purpose of having the flight-themed acronym "HAWX."

Read full story here at 1up...

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